Independence Day

Yeah, I know it was 6 weeks ago, but I’m talking about the movie.  Did anyone else LOVE the movie?  What were the parts that you liked (or disliked) most?  Having had the honor of meeting Adam Baldwin (and having him pop me in the nose with his elbow) recently, I get a few new thrills just seeing him on the screen.  Keep in mind, he went from the wonderfully clean Capt Mitchell to Jayne Cobb in Firefly.  I love him in both roles.

We had the pleasure of watching this one in a sneak preview, and the end credits weren’t even finalized at that point (a long time ago).  LAter, we got the extra scenes that really padded out the story and stuck a lot closer to the book/novelization.  Lots of stars in this one.  Yes, I know that you have to suspend belief a bit in parts, but it’s quite entertaining!!

I just a few minutes to chat, will get online later.

Posted: Tuesday, August 19th, 2008 @ 2:36 pm
Categories: Movies.
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One Response to “Independence Day”

  1. TSroH Says:

    The president’s speech was one the other was when the one pilot who had been abducted is making his final run at revenge!

    Very cool movies one of my faves as well.